Squared School Online
Stay at home and let us bring you Squared School’s extensive expertise in unlocking children’s analytical potential.
The Academy Track and the Enrichment Track are both available online.
Engaging, Interactive, and Fun
We offer a very effective educational experience that is indistinguishable from in-person education in most material respects. To achieve this we use several strategies.
Our experienced teachers conduct the classes the same way they would do in-person: by writing and illustrating on a white board. As in a physical classroom, students can easily follow the material on the white board, take notes, ask questions and receive an immediate response from the teacher.
Students can see everyone else in class and have a discussion with other students, and collaborate as a whole class or in smaller groups. They can receive individualized help and support. Students can write on the white-board themselves and receive immediate feedback on their work.
The technology tools we employ allow us to have very engaging classes where the interactions between the teacher and students, and among students, are of the highest quality.
We can present material sometimes more effectively than in-person; rich diagrams and illustrations can be quickly rendered onto the whiteboard. This extra capacity helps students to visualize and analyze interesting problems more deeply.
Small Class Size: 12 Students Max.
To have small online classes is very important. We cap the classes at 12 students. This allows us to understand students’ learning styles and to tailor individualized approaches. Our small classes enable an enjoyable and effective education, with high interactivity, and a high level of student engagement.